Are Bearded Dragons Nocturnal?

Bearded dragons are some of the most popular reptile pets. They are easy to keep, relatively inexpensive, and come in a variety of colors and patterns. However, there’s one important thing you should know about them before adopting one- bearded dragons are nocturnal reptiles. This means they sleep during the daytime and are active at night. It also means that their sleeping habits may have consequences for your sleeping pattern as well! Here are me tips on how to maintain a healthy sleep cycle with your bearded dragon. so

Are Bearded Dragons Nocturnal?

Bearded dragons are diurnal lizards that spend the day basking in warm temperatures and resting. They typically come out at night to hunt for food. In contrast, nocturnal lizards are active during the night but rest during daylight hours.

When you adopt a bearded dragon, you will want to know if it is diurnal or nocturnal so that you can keep your bearded dragon’s needs in mind as you care for it.

Bearded Dragon Sleeping Patterns

Bearded dragons are nocturnal reptiles, which means they spend most of their time sleeping during the day. The rest of the time is spent eating, basking in the sun, and exploring their enclosure.

This sleep-wake cycle can impact how you sleep at night. If your bearded dragon is just waking up from a nap, it might be active and want to explore its surroundings- this will wake you up too! The opposite may also happen; your dragon just got out of bed and is now curled up on the cool floor so it’s trying to stay warm. This too will prevent you from catching any sleep.

How Many Hours Of Sleep Does A Bearded Dragon Need?

Most bearded dragons do best on about 12 hours of sleep per day, with the bulk of it coming at night. This might sound like a lot, but they are nocturnal so they need to catch up on their rest! It’s important to remember that this means they will be awake when you are asleep. If your bearded dragon has access to light during the night, then that can mess up its sleep cycle even more. You may want to consider covering the windows with curtains or putting black-out shades over them.

They will wake up once or twice during the night and then rest until dawn. This is a great time to get some interaction with your bearded dragon before its next feeding time!

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Sleeping During The Day?

Bearded dragons are nocturnal animals, so it’s normal for them to sleep during the day and be active at night. But there’s a reason why they sleep so much- and it’s not just because they’re lazy! Reptiles need to sleep so that their body can regenerate energy and heal themselves.

During the day, your pet is laying still and sleeping for hours on end because this helps their body recover from the sun. If they didn’t do this, their internal organs would overheat and die.

At night time, your bearded dragon will be more active. This doesn’t mean that they’ll be running around all restless or anything like that- but if you pay attention you may notice them moving around during the night while you’re sleeping. This is because reptiles need to regulate their body temperature by exposing themselves to cool air at night time or else risking overheating.

If you want to take care of your bearded dragon properly, make sure they have a warm place to sleep during the day and a cool place to hang out at night time.

Check Your Lighting

The first reason why bearded dragons sleep during the day is that they don’t get enough light. Bearded dragons are nocturnal creatures and they need a lot of sunlight to adapt to sunlight at night. The most common cause of this problem is when you keep your bearded dragon in a room with little or no natural light. This will make them lethargic during the day and they will sleep for long periods of time, which can be dangerous for them as well as for you if they are in cages or other enclosures that are too small for them.

If your pet doesn’t have enough light, try moving him/her into another room with more sunlight or if possible place his/her enclosure next to an open window where there is plenty of natural light coming in through it. If this doesn’t work then you might have to get another artificial source of light such as a fluorescent bulb which will help him adjust to daytime activities much better than before


If your bearded dragon starts sleeping during the day when it never has before, then it could be because it is sick. Bearded dragons often have parasites or other illnesses that cause them to sleep during the day or act differently than they normally do

The most common illness that causes bearded dragons to sleep during the day is a respiratory disease, which can be caused by bacteria such as Mycoplasma gallisepticum or Chlamydophila pecorum. The respiratory disease causes fluid build-up in your pet’s lungs which interferes with their breathing.


Bearded dragons are very sensitive to stress. If you introduce a new pet into your home or if you move, your bearded dragon may start sleeping during the day. This can also happen if there is a lot of loud noise in your house that is bothering your bearded dragon.

Strategies For Maintaining Healthy Sleep Cycles With Your Bearded Dragon

The first strategy for maintaining healthy sleep cycles with your bearded dragon is to make sure they get the right amount of light. Bearded dragons are nocturnal animals, which means they sleep during the day and are active at night. As such, it’s important that they receive an appropriate amount of light to tell them when it’s time to go to bed.

The second strategy for maintaining healthy sleep cycles is to make sure your bearded dragon has a cool spot in its cage where it can sleep during the day. This will help them feel more comfortable and maintain a regular sleeping pattern.

Third, be sure you have a daytime hideaway for your bearded dragon so he or she has a place to go if they want some privacy. The last strategy is to provide your bearded dragon with a warm area in their cage where he or she can sleep at night- this will help them maintain a healthy body temperature throughout the year.

Why Is This Important?

So, why is this important? Well, one of the most common bad habits people form with their pets is letting them sleep in bed with them. (This is especially true for bearded dragons because they’re nocturnal).

If you allow your bearded dragon to sleep in bed with you, there are some things you should know. First, it’s not healthy for your pet because can make him overly tired and stressed during the day. This means he will need to recover time at night when he isn’t sleeping.

And secondly, allowing your bearded dragon to sleep in bed with you will disrupt your sleep cycle. You may find that you have trouble falling asleep if your pet is sleeping next to you- this will negatively affect both of you!

The best way to avoid these problems? Don’t let your bearded dragon sleep in bed with you- instead, put him somewhere else where he can sleep easily on his own. Your pet needs his rest so he can continue being healthy and happy!


A bearded dragon is a diurnal animal, meaning they are usually awake during the day and sleeping at night. But in some cases, bearded dragons will sleep during the day and roam during the night. This is because their natural habits can change as they grow older.