Can Chameleons Eat Cabbage?

Chameleons are a great choice for both the beginner and advanced reptile keeper. They are relatively easy to care for, especially compared to other lizards, and they make great pets. When it comes to feeding your chameleon, there are many choices of food that you can offer. If you have cabbages at home, you may wonder, can chameleons eat cabbage.

Yes, chameleons can eat cabbage. This vegetable contains a lot of nutrition that your chameleon needs to stay healthy and strong. While it’s nutritous, cabbage also has oxalic acid. This is a toxin that can harm the health of the chameleon. To prevent any health issues, only feed cabbage to your lizard in small amounts, once or twice per week.

Is It Safe For Chameleons To Eat Cabbage?

Cabbage is a great food to feed your chameleon, as long as you don’t overfeed it. It’s high in vitamin C, which can help prevent health problems like anemia.

However, cabbage can be very high in oxalic acid. This acid can bind with calcium and phosphorus, making them unavailable for absorption by the body. Calcium and phosphorus are both vital nutrients for chameleons, so it’s important to avoid feeding too much cabbage at once.

If you’re feeding your chameleon cabbage, limit it to one leaf per day (or less) for every 100 grams (or 3.5 ounces) of body weight. Remember that this amount will vary depending on the species and age of your pet!

Benefits Of Feeding Cabbage To Chameleons

Cabbage is a great choice of food for chameleons. It’s high in fiber and low in fat, which means it’s good for the digestive system. Cabbage also contains calcium and vitamin B-6, which are both beneficial to chameleons.

Here are some of the health benefits that cabbage provides for your chameleon:

Calcium – Cabbage contains large amounts of calcium, which is essential for strong bones and healthy growth. Calcium is also necessary for proper nerve function and muscle contraction, so it’s important for all types of body functions. Most importantly of all, calcium prevents metabolic bone disease in chameleons, which is common for those that are kept in captivity.

Vitamin B6 – Vitamin B6 helps convert carbohydrates into glucose and glycogen (a form of carbohydrate stored in muscles), so your chameleon can use them as energy sources during stressful times or during exercise sessions, or in warm weather conditions when they’re more active than usual. Vitamin B6 also helps with nerve function and maintains healthy immune systems.

Vitamin C – Vitamin C helps with healing wounds and fighting infections in the body. It also supports immune function and healthy skin and bones.

Vitamin K – This vitamin helps blood clot properly so that wounds heal faster without dangerous bleeding episodes. It also plays an important role in bone health by helping them stay strong and healthy even as the chameleon age.

Can Baby Chameleons Eat Cabbage?

Baby chameleons can eat cabbage. It’s a good source of vitamins and minerals. The leaves are also high in fiber and low in calories, so your baby will get the nutrients it needs without consuming too many calories.

One thing to keep in mind when feeding your baby chameleon cabbage is that they don’t always want to eat it right away. If this happens, try placing the leaves on top of your pet’s tank or cage until they become soft enough to chew through easily, then move them into their enclosure and offer them some water so they can soften up even more before eating them.

If your baby chameleon is reluctant to eat cabbage leaves when they first arrive at their new home, don’t worry! They may not be hungry yet or they might just be taking a while to adjust to their new environment. Try offering fresh fruits and vegetables like apples, strawberries or green beans instead until they are ready to eat cabbage.

How To Feed Cabbage To Chameleons

Cabbage is a great vegetable to feed to chameleons. It has many benefits, including being low in fat and high in fiber. Cabbage also contains vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron and potassium.

Cabbage is easy to grow at home and can be picked young or allowed to mature into a large head of cabbage. Chameleons do enjoy the leaves of mature cabbage heads but they will eat the entire plant if it is given the chance.

Cabbage can be fed raw or cooked, but it is best to cook it before feeding it to your pet chameleon. When cooked, cabbage loses its crunchiness which makes it easier for your lizard to chew and digest. If you decide to feed raw cabbage to your pet chameleon, make sure that you remove any tough stems from the leaves before feeding them to your lizard.

Once you have the cabbage prepared, you can either place it into their bowl, hang it from their enclosure, or hand feeds them.

How Often Can Chameleons Eat Cabbage?

Cabbage has many benefits when used as an occasional treat for your chameleon. It’s high in beta-carotene (Vitamin A), which is good for your pet’s eyesight and overall health. It also contains Vitamin C, which helps the immune system stay strong.

However, cabbage should only be given to chameleons occasionally as a treat because it is high in oxalic acid, which can be harmful if consumed in large amounts over time.


Cabbage makes a tasty treat for chameleons to eat. However, cabbage should only be fed to your chameleon in moderation to avoid any health issues. If fed too often or too much at one time (more than 5% of body weight), oxalates can cause calcium deficiency and lead to metabolic bone disease or kidney stones in adults; younger animals may experience stunted growth or deformities from excess oxalate intake over time. This is not what chameleons normally eat.