The Axolotl is a neotenic salamander, meaning that it retains its larval features and gills into adulthood. You can also keep them as a Axolotl pet. In the wild, they live only in pools of water that are separated by woodlands. While they are found primarily in Mexico, they have also been known to appear in Texas and California. These versatile creatures can be housed singly or in groups of five or more. If you want to keep more than five Axolotls in your aquarium, we recommend a minimum size of 29 gallons for each additional Axolotl inside the same tank.
Axolotls are fascinating and complex creatures that require a little extra care. They need well-maintained water: clean, filtered and soft. When it comes to feeding, we recommend feeding two or three times a week. Take good care of your Axolotl pet. The right foods will ensure your Axolotl is healthy and happy for years to come! Your Axolotl is a unique little creature, so feeding instructions will vary based on age, size and other variables.
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Axolotl tank setup
We recommend an aquatic tank size of at least 20 gallons or more, with water parameters of 72-80° F and a pH range of 6.5-7.5. It is important that the tank you choose be equipped with a heater.
Axolotls can be very ensitive to poor water conditions. Follow the instructions below to ensure you provide the right care for your Axolotl to live a healthy life.
Axolotls can produce a lot of waste, so giving them a larger body of water will help keep your water parameters stable. You should prioritize floor space over height.
For substrate, you have can choose sand or bare bottom.
A bare bottom tank makes it easy to clean and maintain your Axolotl tank, however if your pet is unable to grip the surface it may become stressed and get sick.
Avoid gravel substrate: Axolotls feed by sucking water into their mouths, a gravel type substrate could get ingested by your Axolotl. If that happens, we’re talking about serious gut problems, like impaction.
A sand substrate is the best and safest option when keeping Axolotl. The particles of sand are very small and won’t cause any serious problems if yourAxolotl ingests them. Axolotls love to dig and play around in the sand, which can massively boost their wellbeing and help ensure that they become very happy. You can then decorate your tank also with lots of plants and have plenty of hiding spots like caves or rocks. Keep your Axoltl on black sand so they really stand out.
Water parameters
Your water parameters should be good for optimal health. Here are the water parameters that the Axolotl needs:
Temperature: 60-70°F (15-23°C)
pH: 6.5-8.0
Chlorine and Chloramines: 0 ppm
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 0-10 ppm
General Hardness: 7-14 GH
Carbonated Hardness: 3-8 KH
Axolotl pet diet
The Axolotl diet is different than the diet of other salamanders, as it’s carnivorous and not herbivorous. There are several types of foods they eat and they can be fed once or twice a week. If you’re considering getting an Axolotl, it’s very important to understand their feeding habits as well as their environment needs.
The Axolotl diet is a very specialized and sensitive one. These animals are carnivorous and need a very high protein diet consisting of shrimp, goldfish and bloodworms. Depending on their size, smaller Axolotls do well on smaller sized pellets while the adults need pellets that have been soaked in water before feeding time. Many owners simply dust the food with calcium powder before serving it to their pets to make sure they get enough calcium as well.
Axolotl pet, temperament and tank mates
As far as tank mates go, Axolotls are really easy to care for. They get along with most other animals, like fish and shy snails. But please make sure to research what other animals are compatible with your aquatic pet before adding any new creatures to the tank! They eat everything that fits in their mouth.
For this reason, it is not smart to house an Axolotl with small fish, salamander, or shrimp , because they like to eat them whenever they get the chance.
Younger Axolotls shouldn’t be housed together for thesame reason: they’ll nip each other’s gills and feet and could cause serious damage to eachother. It could be possible to keep them together if you’re experienced and keep them well fed always.
Fully-grown adult Axolotls may live together safely and will rarely attack one another. However, Axolotls are solitary amphibians and will not benefit from having another one in the tank, they could fight.
Axolotls should be housed alone at all times. Especially if you are a beginner with Axolotl pet.