Top 6 tiny turtles that make great pets
The red-eared slider
The red-eared slider is one of the quarter turtles endemic to North America. They have red marks on their cheeks, that is why they are calles red-eared slider. This tiny turtle will grow between 6 to 12 inches. The males get slightly smaller than the girls. The tiny turtle can get up to 40 years old with proper care.
The babies will start at a size of only one inch. The tiny turtle can be find in stores or you can get them at local hobbyists. They make a great pet and are easy to care for.
Red-eared sliders are omnivorous, they will eat fish, greens and shrimp. You can get regular turtle food at your local petstore. They accept freeze-dried krill, special turtle food and they will also eat plants in the water and on the land. You can keep them in a pond or in an aquarium.
They like to swim in the water, but also want to bask on the land. So make sure that you provide the tiny pet turtles with an area to hang out on the dry.
Overall they make great pets and are easy to care for. This turtle is a great choice for everyone.
The musk turtle
Musk turtles make great tiny pet turtles. They also like to bask, so you need to provide a basking area. This can easily be done by putting rocks in the aquarium. They will also benefit when providing a heat lamp.
The musk turtle is mainly a carnivore. They will also accept vegetables to eat. You can give them commercial foods.
They like to swim in the water, but also want to bask on the land. So make sure that you provide the tiny pet turtles with an area to hang out on the dry.
Overall the musk turtle makes great pet for anyone who likes tiny turtles. They can be easily being kept in your house.
Box turtles
Box turtles are pond turtles are terrestrial turtles. As land turtles, box turtles like to be on the ground and forage. They rather have a big space to forage than having lots of water.
These tiny turtles stay small. Adults will grow up to 4-7 inches. They can also become an age of 40. These tiny pet turtles make great pets for beginners.
They have high domes, that is why they look like a little tortoise. There popular box turtles who are kept as pets are the eastern box turtle, the ornate box turtle, and the desert box turtle.
Box turtles are omnivorous. They eat greens insects and meat. You can also provide them with commercial turtle food.
It is important to give these turtles UV-light. When they are housed outside, this won’t be a problem. When these tiny pet turtles are kept inside, it is important to provide them with a UV-light.
Overall box turtles make great pets. Popular box turtles who are kept as pets are the eastern box turtle, the ornate box turtle, and the desert box turtle. They are easy to care for.
Mud turtles
Mud turtles live in muddy pools on the bottom of a pond. Mud turtles are very similar in appearance to musk turtles but unlike musk turtles. Many times these little turtles are mixed up. You can see the difference because musk turtles have smaller carapaces.
These tiny pet turtles only grow to 3-5 inches. They are one of the smallest turtle species in the world. They don’t need a big space to live in.
Mud turtles won’t bask. They like to stay in the water. You should provide a basking area with UV-lamp though so they get enough UV-light. They need a minimum water temperature of 70 degrees.
Mud turtles are carnivores. They will eat mollusks, crustaceans, worms, fish, and amphibians in the wild. Everything that fits in their mouth, they will eat. They really like dried shrimp and commercial foods. You can also offer themleafy greens, hrimp, krills, crickets, mealworms, fish, chicken, and other animal products.
Keep in mind that these turtles shall be more aggresive than other species of small turtles. They are more likely to bite a finger when you grab them. This won’t hurt, but pleese keep in mind.
Overall they will be great pets and can be easily kept inside. Just make sure that you provide a minimum water temperature of 70 degrees.
Painted turtles
Painted turtles are very beautiful turtles. They have vivid orange colors on their belly with a fascinating pattern. That is why these little pet turtles are calle painted turtles.
There are four subspecies of the painted turtle. The most popular one among them is the western painted turtle. These are mostly find in the ponds and aquariums of hobbyists. The tiny turtle grows to a maximum of about 7 inches. The colors and their size make them really attractive turtles to keep. They will reach an age of 30 years in captivity.
You can provide these tiny turtles with commercial food. In addition you can feed them greens and aquatic plants. In a pond they will nibble on the leafs of the plants which are found in and near your pond.
Painted turtles require UV-light, a heat lamp, and a basking spot. The tiny turtle can cohabitate peacefully with other members of their species as well as other small aquatic turtles.
If you plan on housing several turtles make sure the aquarium is large enough. Than they won’t bother eachother and live a happy life.
Overall painted turtles make great pets and will provide a beautiful colored turtle for your pond or aquarium. They are easy to keep and very hardy.
Yellow bellied slider
The yellow bellied slider is also a tiny turtle. It is called yellow bellied slider, because their belly is yellow. This tiny turtle will grow between 6 to 12 inches. The males get slightly smaller than the girls. The tiny turtle can get up to 40 years old with proper care.
The babies will start at a size of only one inch. The tiny turtle can be find in stores or you can get them at local hobbyists. They make a great pet and are easy to care for.
Red-eared sliders are omnivorous, they will eat fish, greens and shrimp. You can get regular turtle food at your local petstore. They accept freeze-dried krill, special turtle food and they will also eat plants in the water and on the land. You can keep them in a pond or in an aquarium.
They like to swim in the water, but also want to bask on the land. So make sure that you provide the tiny pet turtles with an area to hang out on the dry.
Overall they make great pets and are easy to care for. This turtle is very similar in care requirements with the red-eared slider.
Make sure you have a good basking lamp. These are very important for reptiles.